"I have my own views about spirituality"

I spoke to a woman at our outreach in Rockaway today that really is a lot of the same old smorgasbord of idolatry but I thought it was worth noting a few points to consider...here are a few quotes from what she said:

1 - "Ahh I don't believe all of the Bible...but I'm spiritual"

2 - "I'm a spiritual person...I believe everyone is inherently good and we don't really need to go to Church. 

3 - "I believe there is a higher power but I don't believe it's a specific god. There are so many different religions and we can't narrow it down or limit it (salvation)"

1 - "Ahh I don't believe all of the Bible...but I'm spiritual"

1 - A response I gave in hopes she would clearly see that her beliefs were faulty:

*Full Disclosure: 

1) I am probably polishing up the questions and answers a bit as I can't remember word for word what was said...I'm doing my best to remember and am trying hard to stay true to the account!

2) I do not suggest I am giving the best possible answers...I'm trying but I have much work to do to respond with the best possible answer each time! So I am no expert and I am working towards getting better!!

"Well it is important for us to believe all of the Bible...we either believe it is inspired or it's not. There is no way to half-way believe it.

   Typical answer...almost cliche but it's true. We must all come to the moment of decision,

"Am I going to believe God's word is truly His word? Or am I going to believe that man influenced it too much and God cannot keep man from corrupting His book?"

    As she continued to talk and explain herself, I let her explain what she meant by spiritual. There are as many different answers as there are people but we can usually see that it will lead to some type of works based system (if you deny the sufficiency of Christ then your good works must try to fill the void)

2 - "I'm a spiritual person...I believe everyone is inherently good and we don't really need to go to Church. 

2 - Based on what she said it's becoming clear why she only believes some of the Bible...these are the parts that deal with the reality about ourselves....our Identity!!

"That is a pretty common answer I come across these days. We don't go to Church because we have to or to be "perfect plastic people" with a bunch of other phonies. In the Bible we are called to come together to worship God! A true born again Christian should want to go to Church to be part of what God is doing...as well as going outside the walls of the Church!!"

    This is a pretty sweet answer and wish I would have said that LOL! When talking to people you do your best and commit the rest to God!! God must laugh often when watching me...

3 - "I believe there is a higher power but I don't believe it's a specific god. There are so many different religions and we can't narrow it down or limit it (salvation)"

3 - Sometimes you just want to ask people...Do you actually believe that? Or did someone convince you of that? I'm just joking...we all need to be patient with one another :)

"You can have 'your' beliefs but they are yours...which means you have created your own 'god' which is your own idol. The Bible is clear that Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven. You must see that your beliefs are not in line with what the Bible teaches, therefore you will not make it to Heaven with those beliefs."

    I was thankful to talk to her and pray she got something that will keep her up at night until she repents of her sin and looks to Jesus to be saved!!! It would be awesome to see her in Heaven! [We must trust God that he will work on that persons heart and pray for more opportunities]


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