Before The Beginning!
Did you know that God has always existed and always will?
John 1 (NKJV)
“1 In the beginning was the Word, and the
Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
-Ok that’s not that convincing…God was in the beginning. This doesn’t say He has always existed or
that He is eternal. (Eternal means always existing; Without beginning or
end) Alright, good point!
Psalm 102
“27 But You are the same, and Your years
will have no end.”
-God’s years never
end!! Awesome J
-If God is eternal
that certainly solves our age old question, “Who was there in the beginning?”
-But what about before the beginning?
John 8
“57 Then the Jews said to Him, “You
are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?”
58 Jesus said to them, “Most
assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”
59 Then they took up stones to throw at Him; but Jesus hid Himself and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.”
-Oooo that’s
interesting! Jesus said, “I AM” which is a statement only God uses for Himself
and it references His eternal nature.
-Ok God may be eternal...what about before the beginning?
Exodus 3 (For
“14 And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO
I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has
sent me to you.’”
-The Jews knew exactly
what Jesus was saying in John 8 and that’s why they wanted to stone Him!!
-According to the
Bible God has always existed and chose to create an orderly creation (light,
universes, stars, planets, etc.).
-Ok, ok! God is eternal. Are you trying to distract me? What about before the beginning?
John 17
“4 I have glorified You on the earth.
I have finished the work which You have given Me to do. 5 And
now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had
with You before the world was.”
-Here we are given a
simple truth: Jesus was with the Father before the world was!
-God the Father and Jesus existed before
the creation of the world, confirming He is eternal and not created!!
Revelation 1
“8 “I am the Alpha and the
Omega, the Beginning
and the End,” says
the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Revelation 22
“13 I am the Alpha and the
Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First
and the Last.”
Psalm 90
“1 Lord, You have been our dwelling
place in all generations. 2 Before the mountains
were brought forth, or ever You had formed the earth and the world, even from
everlasting to everlasting, You are God.”
-IF we receive what
the Bible says about God, He truly is our place of refuge. He’s seen it all and
knows it all. He is the One we can come to with everything and lay it at His
feet! He desires to comfort us and give us His love!!
-IF we receive what
the Bible says about God then we can believe what He promises us: Eternal
life with Him!! God is all about having a relationship with us and He went
to death so that we could live! (Romans 5:8)
John 17
“Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and
said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may
glorify You, 2 as You have given Him authority over
all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given
Him. 3 And this is eternal life, that they may know
You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.”
-Eternal life is
knowing the only true God and Jesus Christ. Do you know Him?
If you don’t know God,
you can…just ask Him to tell you about Himself and He will!! J
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