Welcome! What Is Truth?

Welcome to the blog! You've made it this far and I'm glad you have. If you have found this site it is more than likely because we had a conversation. My hope is that you came away from the conversation willing to consider why you believe what you believe and if the foundation of what you believe is solid. When trying to find truth, things can become very gray. There was a time in my life when things were not so black and white, there was much gray. It was no way to live, these days I can attest that I have never had such clarity when it comes to the truth. That truth is not my truth, or any idea of "common" truth, it is the only standard of truth people can truly agree on...the Bible! We will always grow and learn ( if we want to ), I haven't attained some state of nirvana or awesomeness but through coming to a better understanding of God through the Bible, I realized truth is absolute. Please click the hyperlink for the definition ---> abs...